Sunday, 21 October 2012

Just got this from Azzoun

Occupation forces sealed off entrances to the town of Azzun and imposing a curfew on the town and are attacking locals rubber bullets and stun grenades and Ghaz tear - right naw

and here is a video from someone's house

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Here is a link to the Children in Military Custody report June 2012 a report written by a delegation of British lawyers which is being highlighted at the moment on C4 news and in the Guardian and Independent newspapers

Palestinian child prisoners

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Petition about Susiya

Dear friends in Knighton,

I was very pleased to hear from Ibrahem, Mohammed's brother, that he is out of prison - though many others are still in there of course.

Here is a petition about Susiya - Please do read and sign it and share it if you will.

Meeting on June 25th

We had a good meeting and decided to clarify the different contact lists, so that communication - hopefully - will be clearer and more direct.
We are going to arrange a showing of the film 'Budrus' in September, and put on an exhibition at Knighton Library next February.
We are identifying the key people or organisations to contact about the human rights abuses in Azzoun, especially the incarceration of the children, and making a list of the MPs, Welsh Assembly members, EMPs and others to contact so that the UK and Europe will keep up the pressure on  Israel and adhere to the boycott. As we know, the UK is still trading with Israel, especially for 'security' advice.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

URGENT Child prisoners from Azzoun on hunger strike

It has been the year of hunger strikes by Palestinians in Israeli prisons - Prisoners protesting against their treatment in jail or against lack of trial. But this now is the FIRST TIME (as far as we know) to have 20 juveniles - ie all under 18 - going on strike in prison - and friends in Azzoun tell us that 75% of them are from Azzoun.

What is going on with child prisoners is horrendous - and Azzoun has had it bad this year with dozens of young people newly arrested and put in prison.

Today I have been in touch with Ibrahem from Azzoun whose brother Mohammed is one of the young people in prison. He says how worried they are about him (but how proud). He says that with his brother there is a 17-year-old from Azzoun in prison who has been given a sentence of 16 years.

He says the reason the young people have gone on strike is in protest against beatings and bad treatment and demanding an end to solitary confinement.

And that arrests of young people in Azzoun are still going on.

Please, Knighton people, think of ways of raising this urgently with ordinary people and policy makers. 

Monday, 23 April 2012

Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike

Please sign our petition against the Israeli policy of mass imprisonment of Palestinians - against administrative detention and in support of the demands for decent treatment made by 1200 Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike now.

Note, if we find a bigger petition to join we'll message all signatories to suggest you add your name to that. Meanwhile this will help us campaign and take this issue to our MPs, MEPs - THANK YOU

Monday, 9 April 2012

What is this group for?

A good meeting today of the Knighton Azzoun group. We discussed what our group is for.

(Here is a pic of Knighton in the winter - The river Teme)

Here is a first try....

The Knighton Azzoun group exists to listen to the messages from people in Azzoun and take them to people in Knighton. We will work to build a relationship between people and organisations in both places so that people in Wales understand more about life in Palestine.

We will do simple things at first - an exhibition about Azzoun, writing to the paper and our MP on Palestinian Prisoners' Day, hold a meeting in Knighton when a visitor from Azzoun comes in May....

Some of our members will talk to organisations in Knighton about Azzoun, others are going to Palestine in the autumn and will visit Azzoun....

We will try to work with as many people as possible in both Knighton and Azzoun.

We would like to know from our friends in Azzoun - what do you think of this?

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Meeting of the Knighton group Monday 9th April 4pm

Can you come? Discussion will include Azzoun prisoners + visit from Azzoun (Ghada) in May
Contact Camilla for venue pls.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Many arrests in Azzoun.

This is terrible English because it was done on Google translate, but it was sent by Maysa from Azzoun, and it tells of the arrest of her son (fifty people in Knighton signed a card that is on its way to her by the way) and also of a 15 year old. Maysa's other son Ibrahem tells us that in 2011, there were 150 people arrested by the Israeli army in Azzoun including quite a number of children/ juveniles - who are not treated properly. More on that soon - here is her message.

Raided the Israeli occupation forces on Sunday night approved 11/03/2012 Azzoun village and arrested the child Mahmoud Bilal Saleh Swedan, who at the age of 15 years after a raid on a house his family. Where they are supported by a number of jeeps, and this and arrested the occupation forces the young man to an unknown destination
Israeli occupation forces raided on Wednesday night approved 07/03/2012 Azzun town and arrested Mohammed Ali Abdulrahman Badwan, which at the age of 17 years after a raid on his family's house. Where they are supported by a number of military jeeps, and the occupation forces arrested the young man to an unknown destination.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Lots of pictures of Azzoun

I think these are all pictures of Azzoun. The very grand building with tall pillars is a girls' school.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Statistics from Bev and Anne Mary's talk

*Pls give source*




5.5 million Jewish

11 million (7 million refugees)

Overall Land Controlled



Military Personnel













1,500 large








Combat aeroplanes



Nuclear weapons




$195 billion

$4 billion

Military expenditure

$10 billion


Killed (over 63 years)









Homes demolished



Refugees created



Sunday, 11 March 2012

Annie's poem: What can it be like, living in Burin?

Living in Burin

What can it be like

To see your newly washed, neatly striped daughter off to school

and know that yesterday one of her friends found a cold brassy cylinder of a bullet

in the playground

To be woken by the smell of smoke smouldering in your nostrils

and guess, correctly, that twelve more of your almond trees

have been torched in the night

To watch your all-knowing, all-powerful father stop work and pay attention

to six very young men, armed, uniformed, speaking with foreign accents,

who don’t greet him

or ask after the family

but stand too close and bark too many questions,

To look up,

on your way to an early morning coffee, and see a prefab,

newly thrown up along the ridge,

another link in the chain of settlements that promises to choke you

Out in the fields, a family harvest picnic,

to have to hush your daughter, carried away in happy, noisy games,

for fear of provoking those above

To walk your own darkened streets at night,

the only lights glowing out through neighbours doors,

look up to the orange sulphurous glow that fills the skies above the hill-top, alien, townships

To plan a football field, begin to lay it out along the valley floor

have the diggers spotted, settler surveillance,

have it stopped, World Cup dreams stillborn

To carry fodder to the 4 or 5 sheep penned in your yard,

the remnant of the herd you’d shepherded freely round the hills,

before the settlers came

To bury the donkey, shot dead on your way home

by a couple of marauding youth from above

To wonder how, next harvest, donkeyless, you’ll get your olives down in time,

down before a settler family decide to heave a sack, product of your mornings work,

into their boot and burn off up the hillside

To jolt to work in nearby Nablus and see young settlers,

white shirts, dark trousers, ringlets dangling, hitching casually at roundabouts,

for all they claim they need full time protection from you and your town

To come back along the highway, see signs to brash new settlements, Bracha, Yitzar,

but no road signs to your ancient, grown-from-the-hillsides, town

To long to stride away for just a moment, along the rock tumbled valley

that leads up to the hills where you used to roam your troubles out,

and know that up there, alone, you’d be a walking target,

unlikely to return whole

To stretch your back and wander,

while your lad boils up a pot of hot sweet tea on olive twigs,

to gaze along the terrace edge that last year was a grove of graceful, fruitful, olive trees,

your family’s heritage, your income

that now is scorched grey earth,

the line of charcoaled grisly stumps, settler torched

To be arrested, in your own olive grove,

by a foreign army on the word of a foreign coloniser

and when questioned, slapped on the face, twice

for saying you’re from Burin, twice.

No such place, no such person

To sweat alone in the sun, out there on the edge of village land,

slowly filling a sack with olives, ready to shoulder it home,

and be told by a troop of soldiers,

they never travel singly,

that there’s not enough of you, the land isn’t being fully used,

there’ll be no permit for you picking here next year

To pick olives, fast as you can, against the ticking of the two-day permit,

while two friends who came to help you,

sit nearby, blindfold, handcuffed, guarded, for the morning

for some perceived affront:

all you can do is take them water, hold it to their lips

To find tomorrow, different soldiers on your land,

who, at a whim, decide today you need protection,

watch your backs, escort you down

leave you sort of triumphant, but no more secure

To celebrate a triumph in the courts,

the right to farm your outlying land,

to march there, with friends and neighbours, singing,

to be chased back by settlers, soldiers,

end the day staunching the torrent pouring through your house

from roof top water tanks, punctured by their pot shots

To coax your daughters and sons through school, to university,

to lovingly support their dreams of opportunity, of freedom in a foreign land

- while dreading the sapping of Burin’s staying power that each departure means

To hear the high sweet call to prayer, reassuring you that god is great,

while knowing there is no-one, no-one,

who’ll protect your rights, who’ll come to your defence

To watch the cheerful, rosy volunteers who for two autumnal weeks

have helped you strip the trees, added person power, deterrence to the wreckers up above,

pick up their rucksacks, leave

knowing that they’ve really no idea

what it can be like, living in Burin

Meeting of the Knighton group 10th March 2012

About 80 people packed the church hall in Knighton to hear Bev and Anne Mary give a very moving talk about their time in Palestine. Here are some pictures of the evening. At the end they read a moving poem written by Annie and pasted on the blog above.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Map of the Separation Wall round Qalqilya and Azzoun

prisoners taken in Azzoun in Jan

Another picture for the sake of it

Hello there - this isn't from Azzoun either! It's from Abu Dis, specifically from Dar Assadaqa Community Centre.... Just for fun xx Nandita

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

This was taken by a student from Al Quds University as part of the CADFA 'Look at our Lives' student project. I just thought you needed a picture or two... this isn't in Azzoun but your friends will send you some pics soon I expect. xx

blogging on

ok i did it and have signed up. am on google+ already but havn't made much use of it...

PS from experience

I think give everyone the ability to post but (from experience) keep the power to moderate - You may get things you don't bargain for and you don't want on the public face of your link...

A trial blog for your group

Dear Camilla and all

I said I'd help if you needed it so have made a simple blog that can be amended without much trouble. I am going to email you Camilla an invitation to the blog. You can make yourself a password to which means you can log in and post things - notes and pictures very simply. You can ask me for help if you need it - really it isn't hard and I just learned by making a few mistakes.

When you've logged in, I'll make you an admin and you can invite anyone you want to from your group - and do what you want with it. Including I think to change the name. Or start again!

Love, Nandita xx